Friday, April 10, 2009

Pinch me, I must be stupid...

Has it ever occurred to anyone, that the painfully oft-used cliche of "Pinch me, I must be dreaming..." really makes no logical sense whatsoever? Think about it. One usually feels "pain" within a dream, anyway! It accomplishes nothing but wanky, redundant "dramatic effect". In fact, when is the last time that you even asked that in a dream? The saying should be "I am asking this, so I must not be in a dream!".

That aside, I am about to buy a new graphics card and, wait for it: actually  my Realtek HD Audio Manager fixed! Seriously. No joking. This is so historic, I think it deserves a paragraph break.

There we go. I am thinking of getting an nVidia GeForce 200 series, but you never know. The evil temptation that is ATI may seduce me. But more research must be done before such a purchase is made, considering high-end graphics cards are fairly expensive, I can't fuck around with this.

On a less-geeky note (are those notes even in my vernacular?), I am beginning to really take an interest in the British Science-Fiction series Red Dwarf... Wait, did I say less-geeky? I meant to say supporting of the argument that I have no life. It is really great, though. The humour and story elements hold up for a viewer who has never seen it before now (me) and I am sure that nearly every episode could still hook in a veteran of the series (not me) if they happened to catch a glimpse of the opening titles while flicking across T.V. stations on a Fri night. The theme-tune is very catchy, also - it has become a shower favourite, right behind Still Alive from Portal.

That's about all for now; a new video is coming soon. Well, right as soon as a begin work on it. Which is after I configure Sony Vegas. Which is right after I learn how to configure Sony Vegas. Which will be whenever. Also, I am working to get regular readers for this blog because as it stands, I think that the total readership is a friend of mine and a 40-year-old Spanish man who was in the mood for discount footwear but happened upon my previous post instead (mental note: thank Google!). The process of drawing in new readers is what I like to call "A two step process". Very technical, I know, but try not to lose focus. Here it is:

Step 1: Regulate post addition and (possibly) subtraction and multiplication. Wait, scratch those last two... This involves me writing better posts and submitting them more often and more regularly.

Step 2: Bask in readership. This one is more esoteric than Step 1, due to the fact that it may not happen. Here's hoping that Google, in all of its omnipotence, sends another elderly Spanish man unto my blog.

That's it.