Saturday, October 31, 2009

Back in low-key action!

Greetings. It has been a while between posts and I felt that I really must... post. I am getting rusty, aren't I? Several important and extremely relevant happenings... happened during the time between posts, so let's clear them up, shall we? I have a feeling that this clear-up will be as shoddy as one taking place in a cheap Chinese resturant called "We Sever Food". For starters, or more accurately, starter:

- KFZ is lacking a community, players and maps. I bet you're glad to see that not too much has changed since our last exchange, then. The admin swapped clans and then (less than 24 hours later) left this ominous Other Clan and renamed the server "Kentucky Fried Zombies IS BACK!!". It's always good to know that the admins are serious about a player base that they have cultivated. Right.

For the main course, or as I like to call it - the focus de jour:

- I got a new graphics card. Yes. No foolies. I finally have obtained the Crystal Skull to my Indiana Jones. Except that it doesn't rape an entire franchise to death with poor marketing and a greedy producer. I won't go into specifics, but let's say that it's over 5 times better than my old dinosaur-pelt card that I used to use. I am so excited, this calls for the use of my emergency celebratory ASCII art. Here goes!


I like to call this piece the "It looked more triumphant in my mind...".

- I bought Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition. This has all the great, great, goodness of Fallout 3 with the downloadable content packs already on disc, so no messy downloading. Always good for the 12 G.B. limit.

Anyway, I have been powering through Fallout 3 and its contained universe for about 9 of 30 player levels, and am not nearly prepared to be ready to even begin considering reading the Wikipedia article on getting bored; this is good news, as I am not done killing innocent people or enslaving them for money (and memories that will last a lifetime - those are the real reward!).

This post draws to a close as I can finally and definitively proclaim that I, Fatt Daddy Inc., can game. Maybe not forever, maybe not with Crysis on the "Professional" graphics settings, but damn fine and with a great framerate. I've also had a little stint on Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare's multiplayer and enjoyed it up until rank 30-ish. It just became samey, but was fun for about two weeks.

That's it for this exposition-laiden edition of "My life is boring but at least I have games!"; remember to read the next post, coming soon-ish. Well, whenever I can pull myself out of the wastelands and stop stealing people's items and selling them back to them.

Same shit time (sort of), same shit channel (well, page). Actually, really should stop stealing material from the old Batman series. Firstly, it's not transferrable and secondly, it's more camp than a row of tents.

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