Monday, January 12, 2009

What's been happening...

Alot has happened in the past few months:

- I got my Steam account back, after emailing them about three times...
- I got a new PC (Intel Core2 Duo 2.66GHz, 4GB RAM, nVidia GeForce 9400GT 1GB) for gaming!
- I have begun to make more videos for YouTube.
- Some other crap (like seeing more films, going to mates' houses)
- And one irritating thing in particular: My Realtek HD Audio Manager for my new PC is screwing up.

Ever since about three days ago, it constantly thinks that there is both a headset and a microphone plugged into the front jack of my tower. This is a major problem, because it overrides anything I plug into the front! Now, you (I.E.: no one) may be thinking "That's not too big a deal! This well-worded loser could just plug all of his things into a rear jack.".

But alas, no. Here's why:

Realtek HD Audio Manager is crap. Simple as that. It doesn't let me plug headphones into the rear jack, because it's coded incorrectly and is illogical and makes no sense. That's truly why. It just won't register anything in the rear jack if it's a set of headphones. I've tried limitless combinations upon combinations, but Realtek hates me. Like most other people/computer programs/animals/ghosts/electrical appliances.

Anyway, while I struggle to keep my life from falling into a pit of chimp urine, I keep watching films. This month's distraction is mostly anything directed by Christopher Guest. Hilarious stuff!

His films consist of:

- This is Spın̈al Tap
- Waiting for Guffman
- Best in Show
- Thank You for Your Consideration
- A Mighty Wind

They are all mockumentaries about people who are in way over their head and who have no right to be doing what they are doing. This is generally put forth as some sort of artistic endeavour. In This is Spın̈al Tap, (easily the best one of them all) he and his oft-included cohorts play a heavy metal rock group known as Spın̈al Tap, whose career is failing and fans are dwindling. In Best in Show, they all play characters who are competing for the dog show title "Best in Show" with their prized pooches. Of course, the dogs are the ones who know how to deal with the pressure of competition, leaving the humans to make hilarious character humour; which is a humour that I rather dislike, but in the case of these films, I find it refreshing and ultimately very well written.

So there it is. Three months of my life condensed into a few poorly-thought out paragraphs of text that no one will ever read...

Makes me feel just dandy...

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