Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Best of Omegle 2

Well, since I have time, here's another commercial-related chat log:

Stranger: hii
You: Hello.
Stranger: wazzup??
You: Oh, I was unaware it was protocol to quote commercials from the 90s. Allow me to reciprocate:
You: Do you get that tired, stressed feeling at the end of a long day?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

The following is a particularly good one. The acute sarcasm might just teach him to reduce the number of frivolous "i"s per greeting.

You: Hello?
Stranger: hiii
Stranger: i know its not a great way to start the chat.....i'm male
You: So am I, just like 99% of all other Omegle, nay Internet users.
Stranger: haha yes
You: So, why did you greet me with the great honour of three "i"s? This is hardly such an auspicious occasion as to warrant not one but three "i"s! Are you just attempting to impress the potential girls?
Stranger: what exactly are the three "I"?
You: When you greeted me like royalty at the beginning of this conversation.
You: I am truly honoured.
Stranger: no problem
Stranger: its nice to make ppl feel good
You: Thank you, my liege - how very gracious of you.
Stranger: haha , sure sure
Stranger: man !! ur just over scrutinizing things
You: I'm afraid I cannot reciprocate with similar prestige, for I am, unlike you, a lowly commoner.
Stranger: i'm just happy u have sticked on to the chat after reading that i am male
You: I never miss an opportunity for a good, solid sticked-on chat. May I just restate how grateful and bewildered a simple wretched peon like myself is when in the presence of such a powerfully refined influence as yourself - even over the Internet, which I am sure you invented, being the motivated billionaire inventor that all evidence points to you being.
Stranger: jeez
Stranger: easy man !!
Stranger: i'm not sure what prompted u to believe that i'm someone very rich or powerfull
You: Wise words to live by, provided by a giant man of prophetic nature, paralleled only by Jesus and Gandhi.
You: And only when they're fused.
Stranger: chill !!
Stranger: haha
You: As you wish, lord.
You: I must go and tend the fields for my one-cent-an-hour wage, but let me remind you of what a glorious and generation-defining personality you are. I, and the entire population of Earth (don't worry, we plan to rename it in your image) are indebted to your lifeblood for eternity. You are truly a solid gold statue encrusted with so many jewels that no gold is visible, that's swamped in the tepid pool of slime that is the remaining populace.
You have disconnected.

Well, that will probably conclude this week's series of Best of Omegle posts; consider this one a follow-up, because I wasn't very satisfied with the original enclosed log as a proof of concept. I feel that this post more accurately reflects the nature of Best of Omegle.

I think I need a closing catch-phrase for these BoO posts. Actually, no, catch-phrases are cheesy. Okay, new rule: no catch-phrases.

Unless they involve a pun.

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