Wednesday, September 29, 2010

From rags to slightly less soiled rags

Well, I've drastically updated the face of my blog. I mean severely. Let's put it like this: at the time of writing, Joan Rivers is who most personifies the current trends of my blog - facelifts and terrible, obnoxious jokes. Before this, it was more "glob" than blog; at least ascetically. I overcame my acute laziness and spent some time in Photoshop to whip up the header, background and button for my YouTube channel. This is the closest I'll ever come to an achievement, so please, allow me a moment to confront the sheer magnitude of this.

*One full moment later*

So, I now have two followers. Which makes me sound like a cult. Great. That said, two followers is the most meagre of cults. I mean, it's the smallest amount of possible cult members; at that juncture, you're bordering on "you and that guy".

Now point your dainty seeing-holes at what I've highlighted with a Microsoft Paint brand rounded rectangle:

The diagram to the left of my follower count displays three green silhouettes, and its sole purpose is to demonstrate the act of following or fellowship. The very visual manifestation of following - the default, broad, distilled, archetypal, simplified essence of following... consists of a number of people greater than my followers. That fucking snooty, aloof diagram has more followers than me. I've been outdone by a representation.

This is a morbid day for me and my followers. However, we shall prevail. I believe that we can surpass the milestone that is equation to the diagram. Expect more posts and more Best of Omegle within the next few days and, eventually, the ensuing months. I intend to maintain this steady output until I show that filthy diagram who's boss.

In the words of political visionary-turned-political disappointment Brack Obama: "Yes we can overcome the diagram!". I don't remember if he was indeed talking about a diagram, and if he was indeed talking about subjugating a diagram, but I'm sure the sentiment still applies.

Edit: Wow, three followers. Technically, I still need four to trump the diagram, so get following. Perhaps the diagram and I could put aside our differences and merge into one conglomerate with six followers? This has my approval, so the ball's in your court, diagram.

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